INRAL SAND is a decorative spray paint with a natural desert sandstone effect. Suitable for surfaces such as metal, wood, plastic, polystyrene, stone, clay, ceramics, glass, paper and cardboard. Can be used both indoors and outdoors (away from rain and moisture) ;/Best used at +20°C, below +18°C drying times and paint properties will deteriorate. Contains no lead or chromium compounds and does not harm the ozone layer. DRYING TIME 1 hour
SURFACE: 2.2 m2
Inral Sand effect paint
Decorative spray paint for a natural desert sandstone effect. Suitable for surfaces such as metal, wood, plastic, polystyrene, stone, clay, ceramics, glass, paper and cardboard. Can be used indoors and outdoors (away from rain and moisture).
- Quick drying
- Realistic sand effect
- Specially roughened surface
- Good coverage
- Can be used indoors and outdoors (away from rain and moisture)