The adhesive has very high adhesive strength and fast initial tack. Shear adhesion strength reaches 120 tons per m2. Correction time 2 minutes. Application environment temperature from +5 °C to +30 °C. Final curing time is 24 hours. Suitable for outdoor and indoor use.
Shake the can vigorously and screw on the gun. Clean the bonding surfaces well. Moisten dry surfaces with water mist (only at temperatures above zero). Hold the foam can in an upright position with valve up. Screw the can onto the gun. Hold the can upside down when extruding the foam. To adjust the supply of foam, turn the valve on the back of the gun handle. First row of blocks must be well levelled using mortar. Apply the adhesive at a distance of 1 cm from the surface in strips, as shown in the diagram bellow. Apply adhesive to both horizontal and vertical surfaces. After the glue has fallen off a little, immediately connect the surfaces. For blocks up to 130 mm, one stripe is enough. Larger blocks require two stripes. The thickness of the stripe for aerated concrete blocks is 2-3 cm. For calibrated ceramic blocks, 5-6 cm.
Correction time 2 minutes. The corners of the walls are made according to the instructions of the block manufacturer. Jumpers are laid according to generally accepted installation methods. Application temperature from +5°С to +30°С. If the foam is used at low temperatures, it is necessary to warm the vial to +18°C by placing it in warm water or in a warm room. Uncured foam residue is best cleaned with Fome Flex Foam Cleaner. Remove cured foam mechanically.
Store upright in a dry place at +5 °C to +25 °C. Expiry date- 18 months from date of manufacture, subject to storage regulations. Protect canisters from direct sunlight and heat above 50 °C.